OCEAN COUNTY – It was a day to honor and remember all veterans and active service personnel in the armed services. The annual Ocean County Veterans Day Parade stepped off at 9:45 a.m. at the Toms River Shopping Center.
Public officials and various veteran support groups came out for the parade like the American Legion Post 129 and Disabled American Veterans Ocean County Memorial Chapter #24, Toms River.
Fire trucks from the community provided the backdrop of a giant American flag on Washington Street for the event coordinated by the Toms River Township Veterans Commission.
The parade led to a ceremony that was held on Washington Street in downtown Toms River afterwards. The ceremony started with a warm welcome by Rev. Michael M. Mazur who provided the invocation.

Leading the residents, veterans and other attendees present in the National Anthem was bugler Samantha Parker. She was joined by members of the Toms River High School South Band.
Former Toms River Mayor Paul Wnek who currently serves as an investigator for the Ocean County Consumer Affairs addressed the crowd along with Toms River Township Council President Craig Coleman.
Local students were recognized as part of a Veterans Essay Contest organized by the Veterans Commission.

Winners at the intermediate school level included Elena Schuler of St. Joseph Grade School in first place, Christian Leone of St. Joseph Grade School in second, and Lauren Bush of Toms River Intermediate North in third place.
The High School level winners were Nicholas Maitland of Toms River High School East in first place, Jaiden Freestone of High School South in second, and Joaquin Miranda, also from High School South, in third place.
After the placing of wreaths at the Veterans Memorial, in front of Town Hall a cage of doves were released by a local firm that conducts such releases at special events.

This year’s parade Grand Marshals were veterans Arnie Boyle of the U.S. Army, Bob Tweer of the U.S. Army and Lou Vella of the U.S. Navy. They were selected by Mayor Daniel Rodrick for their dedication and contributions to their branch of military service as well for their role in the Toms River community.