TOMS RIVER – On a rainy Tuesday afternoon, Councilwoman Maria Maruca and Councilman Mo Hill and hundreds of friends, family and neighbors welcomed Sgt. George “Tyler” McGibbon to his newly renovated home in Toms River.
McGibbon graduated from Toms River High School East in 2013. During his senior year, he participated in the U.S. Army Future Soldier Program. Upon graduation, McGibbon attended cavalry school in Fort Benning, Georgia. Tyler was stationed in Fort Riley, Kansas, with the First Infantry Division, 2nd Battalion, 34th Armor Regiment as a cavalry scout. Part of his job was flying Raven B system, a small unmanned aircraft system that aided in the reconnaissance.

In 2014, Sgt. McGibbon was involved in a Humvee rollover accident in Kuwait that resulted in a severe traumatic brain injury. He underwent multiple surgeries and was airlifted to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and then to McGuire VA Medical Center, where he remained in a coma for three months. In 2015, Sgt. McGibbon was transferred again to Walter Reed to continue with his recovery. On May 24, 2017, after 2,482 therapy appointments and multiple surgeries, he was medically retired, 100 percent disabled. Sgt. McGibbon returned home to Toms River where he continues therapy with his service dog Trooper.
The home was renovated for Tyler as part of the “George to the Rescue” show with the Gary Sinise Foundation. Host George Oliphant and his team of contractors and designers rescue the homes of deserving people. The show will air on October 27 on NBC.
Welcome to your “new” home Sgt. McGibbon and thank you for your service!