TOMS RIVER – Playgrounds will reopen on July 4, the first time they have been open since March to slow the spread of COVID-19.
With the reopening comes some rules. Some are for township workers. Some are for visitors.
The township workers from the Department of Parks, Buildings and Grounds will be sanitizing the equipment on a regular basis, officials said. The restrooms will be open and will be sanitized more frequently as well.
Visitors should follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines to help reduce the spread of the coronavirus:
- Stay home if sick
- Practice social distancing
- Cover coughs and sneezes
- Wash hands often
- Avoid touching face
- Wear cloth face-covering unless age or health concerns indicate otherwise
“We know it has been difficult the past few months. We sincerely thank you for your patience and continued cooperation,” said Mayor Maurice B. Hill. “Please play and use the parks responsibly and have fun.”
For a list of parks and playgrounds in the township and where they are located, visit tomsrivertownship.com/Facilities