HOWELL – A Toms River man was arrested in Howell after fleeing a motor vehicle stop, police reported.
John C. McKenna, 43, was arrested and charged with eluding police and hindering apprehension.
McKenna was pulled over Feb. 20 at 12:45 p.m. for having a broken tail light and expired registration. While pulled over on the shoulder at Route 9 and Estelle Lane, McKenna fled driving 70 mph on the shoulder, turning west onto County Line Road in Lakewood. He ditched his vehicle and fled on foot near Forest Avenue.
Lakewood Police and Georgian Court University security assisted Howell Police with a large-scale search for McKenna. Residents called into police, reporting that a man matching the description got into a vehicle on 8th Street. Police stopped that vehicle and found McKenna in the back seat, where he was arrested.
Police also arrested that vehicle’s driver, Dina Gagen, 43, of Brick, who is also McKenna’s girlfriend. She was charged with obstructing administration of law and hindering apprehension. She was released on a criminal summons pending court.
McKenna has an outstanding arrest warrant from Nutley. He was transported to Monmouth County Correctional Institute and slapped with more violations, including driving while suspended and reckless driving.