TOMS RIVER – Toms River recently purchased and activated new software, known as GovQA, on the township website. This new software helps to track Public Records Requests across multiple departments, standardize records processing, fulfill requests in a timely manner, and provides residents a better understanding of the costs associated with records processing.
“The Town Clerk’s office is the ‘keeper’ of public records. My job is to make sure public information is available and easy accessible to residents. The Township receives hundreds of open public records requests each month. Now with this easily accessible portal the public can be sure they are receiving complete and accurate records in a reasonable time frame,” said Alison Carlisle, Township Clerk.
With the new software, you can submit Public Records requests, track the progress and receive updates via email, as well as see and read any correspondence on specific requests and download electronic records deliverables.
This process even works for the Police Department. Residents can request records from the police department and have access to an OPRA archive of other requests.
“We are already receiving positive feedback from both residents and employees and we hope to continue to look for ways to increase government transparency in the future,” said Mayor Thomas F. Kelaher.
You can find the new application on the website at tomsrivertownship.com or by Toms River OPRA.