Toms River Class Assignments Leaked Early, May Be Incorrect

Photo courtesy Toms River Regional School District

TOMS RIVER – It’s always a time that parents and kids anticipate: the revealing of who the child’s teacher will be in September. This year, though, some parents learned a bit earlier than others.

Toms River uses a computer program called Genesis to manage its online content. Throughout the year, parents log in using the Parent Portal to read their children’s grades and other important information.

Yesterday, parents learned that teacher assignments were live on the Parent Portal. Word of this spread through social media and many other parents found out. However, after a certain time, the information was removed. This left some parents without knowing who their children’s classroom teacher would be, while others did know.

  “The portal is typically opened the week prior to the schools’ opening day, but to provide more time for tech support to families who may have issues with creating accounts, passwords, and logging in, it was opened on Tuesday, ostensibly with all class assignment information disabled,” Superintendent David Healy said via email. “It was soon reported to the Technology Office that a page for report cards was still accessible and had been populated with the most recent homeroom and teacher assignments. Shortly after discovering the root of the issue, it was corrected. The information that was visible should not be considered the most up to date.”

Healy said that parents should log in and make sure they can use the system now before the school year starts. If there are any issues, parents should contact their child’s school.

“You will not see much information currently as schedules and class rosters are still being finalized and will appear in the portal when completed,” Healy said.

Bus passes will be available to print starting next week. Those who don’t have a Parent Portal account, are urged to do so by printing out this form and bringing it to school: