Support The Families Affected By Fatal Toms River Crash

Photos courtesy GoFundMe

  TOMS RIVER – A GoFundMe fundraiser has received thousands of dollars in donations to help multiple families affected by a fatal crash on March 7.

  Kiley Armstrong, 21, and her boyfriend, Evan Fiore, 23, were killed by the tragic events of that night.

  A juvenile, unlicensed driver had been traveling nearly 118 miles per hour in a 35 mile per hour zone. The driver then ran a red light and collided with Armstrong and Fiore’s car at the intersection of Route 37 and Route 166.

  According to authorities, the couple were killed by the crash. The two backseat passengers, 19-year-old Ryan Chapman and Kiley Armstrong’s twin sister, Krista, were flown to the Jersey Shore University Medical Center via MEDEVAC and are currently listed in critical condition.

  As of Monday, the GoFundMe fundraiser has raised nearly $12,000 to help the Armstrong, Chapman, and Fiore families with funeral expenses as well as Krista and Ryan’s medical expenses.

  “It would mean the world to the families if anyone could provide any financial assistance for the funeral and memorial services for Kiley and Evan, as well as medical expenses for Ryan and Krista,” said Cole Crozier, the fundraiser organizer.

  To support the families, visit