TOMS RIVER – As a coastal community, it is important to know what steps to take to be environmentally conscious and practice sustainability to keep our shores as beautiful as ever.
In an effort to educate the public on environmental and sustainable topics, the Toms River Green Team partnered up with Toms River Regional Schools to host the Poseidon Academy TRUST Speaker Series. The series invites speakers to discuss hot topics such as the health of Barnegat Bay, green economy, storm water management, energy conservation and assistance programs, arts and the impact on the local economy and other similar topics.
The next speaker series will take place on Tuesday, July 16, at 7 p.m. featuring Friends of Ortley Beach and Island Beach State Park Naturalist Hailey Conrad. This presentation will discuss sea levels, shifting barrier islands, changing coastal habitats, and techniques to encourage responsible stewardship of our coast.
Conrad is a student at Rutgers University Honors College, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences and recently completed a four-month internship with the US Antarctica Research Program.
Friends of Ortley Beach is a local nonprofit formed after Superstorm Sandy that aims to enhance, protect and sustain the natural beauty and resources of the barrier island community for future generations.
The Poseidon Academy TRUST Speaker Series events are free and no registration is required. Space is on a first come, first served basis. The Poseidon Academy is located across from the Post Office on Irons Street.
For more information, contact Erika Stahl at estahl@tomsrivertownship.com.