TOMS RIVER – Do you want to ride your bicycle? Do you want to ride it where you like?
There will soon be a bicycle and pedestrian path winding through Toms River, and there will be a chance to give input as to its creation.
The first “visioning workshops” for the plan will be held in February. The first will be held from 6-9 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 5 at the Toms River High School East cafeteria. The second will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 13, from 4-7 p.m. at the Toms River High School North media center. Besides the public, the meetings will be attended by the steering committee, consultants from NV5 (engineers) and Stokes Creative Group, Inc. (marketing).
According to a press release from the township, the workshops will present the same material. There were two days chosen so that residents could work it in with their schedule.
“The goal is to make our town’s bike paths and trails more user-friendly, more accessible, and safer for our residents,” Mayor Thomas F. Kelaher said. “We are encouraging residents to give us their feedback on what changes or improvements they envision.”
Township officials said they want to craft a plan to build or enhance walking and bicycling routes throughout the town. The meetings will have a “mapping exercise to identify problem areas, issues, and opportunities related to bicycle and pedestrian travel in Toms River. It will include a visioning exercise for more safe bicycling and walking, as well as specific goals to support these modes of travel around the community.”
For more information, visit TomsRiverBikePed.com.