ORTLEY BEACH – Toms River Mayor Kelaher and Councilwoman Maria Maruca watched as the landing pipe and transfer piping arrived on May 11 for the interim dune project. Bulldozers and loaders were on site and the field offices for the contractor and Army Corps of Engineers are now in place. The hopper dredges are expected to arrive around May 24, subject to weather conditions.

Ortley Beach, which sustained catastrophic property damage from Superstorm Sandy, will receive approximately 267,000 cubic yards of sand, creating an approximately 225-foot-wide beach over the course of two weeks.
Only 1,000 feet of beach will be closed off at a time. The project will reconvene in the fall, most likely in October or November.
The Mayor and Township Council fought hard to have Ortley Beach be the first beach to receive sand for the Ocean County beach and dune construction project.