TOMS RIVER – Police continue to investigate a motor vehicle accident from Tuesday, where one car landed on top of another car.
Toms River Police responded to the accident at the intersection of Sun Valley Road and Oak Ridge Parkway July 23 at 3:35 p.m.
Pauline English, 51, of Bayville, was driving er 2006 Hyundai Elantra north on Oak Ridge Parkway when she left the road to the right. She struck a curb, fire hydrant, and street sign before crossing Sun Valley Road and striking the curb, which caused her car to vault into the air.
Her vehicle overturned and landed on a 2000 Jaguar parked behind a fence on a residential property.
English sustained a laceration to her ead and was taken to Jersey Shore University Medical Center in Neptune by Silverton Volunteer EMS.
She was ticketed for careless driving and driving with an expired license.
Toms River Traffic Safety Officer David Bartoshek is investigating.