JACKSON – A 28-year-old Toms River man turns violent after being arrested, going as far as attacking officers, spitting blood and damaging both a mug shot camera and a holding cell police said.
According to Capt. Steve Laskiewicz of the Jackson Police Department, police officers were called to Pineview Apartments parking lot to investigate a report regarding Ralph Lezin, 28 of Toms River, slashing the tires of an acquaintance’s vehicle. Laskiewicz said Lezin was taken into custody when he wouldn’t cooperate with officers.
Once brought to police headquarters Lezin became even more combative. According to Laskiewicz, Lezin repeatedly kicked an emergency button in the processing area, activating it several times. He then flipped over a table in the room and head-butted the mugshot camera, damaging a bracket which holds it in place, police said.
Lezin allegedly pulled the mattress off the cot and used it to jam the toilet in the holding cell, causing it to flood.
When Lezin was told he was going to be moved to the Ocean County jail, he started attacking officers. Lezin head-butting one and kicking and kneeing several others who tried to assist, police said.
During the attack, Lezin became injured and spit blood in the face of several police officers before finally being restrained. The Jackson First Aid squad checked Lezin and then brought him to a local hospital for treatment, during this time Lezin continued to act aggressively toward officers and hospital staff, police said.
Lezin was charged with criminal mischief, obstruction by means of physical interference, aggravated assault on a police officer and aggravated assault by throwing bodily fluid. Additional charges are pending.
Many officers received minor injuries from the incident, including being hit with Lezin’s blood. These offices were treated for their injuries.
Police said the cell block and patrol car used to transport Lezin were both cleaned and sanitized.