TOMS RIVER – Although Halloween is a full month and then some away, preparations for the big day have already started. Halloween stores have opened up, candy is aplenty in many shops and officials are making arrangements for their annual parade. In addition, the town has released important information regarding trick or treating this year.
Because the 79th annual Toms River Halloween Parade will take place on Tuesday, October 31st, which is actually Halloween, the kids will be trick or treating in the township on Monday, October 30th – one day before the actual holiday.
According to a press release, Mayor Tom Kelaher says “this was a joint decision made by the Township, Toms River Fire Companies and the Toms River Police Department. We want children to come to the parade with their families but still enjoy the time-honored tradition of trick-or-treating.”
In that same press release issued by the town, Police Chief Mitch Little says while Halloween is one of the most enjoyable times of the year for children, it also presents dangers if the proper precautions are not taken.
“On October 30th, motorists should be aware and drive with extra caution. We advise parents to accompany children or have kids trick-or-treat in groups, always carry a flashlight for safety, stay on sidewalks or as close to the curb as possible and only go to houses where the porch lights are on.”
While there is no official curfew in Toms River, Chief Little says that all trick-or-treaters will be asked to be off town streets by 9:00 p.m.
“As always please contact the Toms River Police Department if you see or hear any suspicious activity. Have a safe and Happy Halloween,” said Chief Little.
The parade takes place Tuesday, October 31 at 7 p.m.
The rain date is scheduled for Wednesday, November 1 at 7 p.m.
For additional parade information, visit http://www.trfc1.org/halloween.html.
More details about the Halloween parade will be released soon.