SUEZ wants its customers to know it’s prepared for severe weather, including hurricanes. The Atlantic hurricane season starts June 1 and runs through Nov. 30.
“Our teams closely monitor the weather and will be prepared to make any adjustments necessary to maintain residents’ water quality and service, the integrity of our water treatment plants or supply dams and precious water supplies,” Director of Operations Jim Mastrokalos said. “When the National Weather Service predicts a storm, our goal is to respond as quickly as possible to all emergency situations that may arise, rapidly restore any disrupted services and keep the water flowing.”
SUEZ tests its backup generators to ensure water storage facilities stay full. Extra water treatment compounds are kept in supply.
SUEZ company officials and local emergency response teams work together to coordinate emergency preparations and responses.
“Many local agencies and organizations team together with SUEZ to prepare for hurricanes and other severe storms,” Mastrokalos said. “We also urge our customers be weather ready by checking personal emergency preparedness plans now.”
Customers should keep emergency supplies, such as flashlights, batteries and food, on hand. They should also keep clean bottles of drinking water, stored away from direct sunlight, heat and chemicals.
During an emergency, SUEZ customers can obtain updates by calling 877-565-1456 or visiting its website.