TOMS RIVER – Toms River East Little League’s Opening Day is April 1, with the Parade starting at 10 a.m. at the East Dover First Aid Squad located at Garfield & Third Avenue.
This year the theme is celebrating “25 Years of TRELL’S Challenger Division.” TRELL is the only little league out of all other leagues that comprise District 18 that allows for the township’s handicapped and other physically/ mentally challenged players to be able to learn about, as well as play baseball with a “buddy system”. These games are under the Direction of longtime Director of the Challenger Division Jim Kelly.
Kelly’s dedication and stewardship of this division enables approximately 75 boys and girls each season to have an active part in playing and learning about sportsmanship and baseball. Without Mr. Kelly and his tireless efforts and dedication this would not be possible. We are grateful to Mr. Kelly and his steadfast dedication to the “Challenger cause” of the Toms River East Little League.