TOMS RIVER – Remember last year, when beach replenishment efforts took place during the summer, closing portions of the beach at a time? That’s going to happen again.
The State Department of Environmental Protection and the Army Corps of Engineering have given local towns a schedule for when the beach replenishment is going to take place.
However, they warned it could change due to factors such as weather.
According to the latest update, these are the projected times for the beaches to be replenished:
Bay Head: mid-June to early August.
Brick: mid-March to late June.
Lavallette: late August to late November.
Mantoloking: expected to be done soon.
Mantoloking northern area (Approximately 2000 feet north of Herbert Street to Bay Head): late June to late August.
Point Pleasant Beach: early August to late August.
Seaside Heights: late August to early October.
Seaside Park: late August to early October.
Toms River’s Normandy Beach: early April to mid June.
Toms River’s Ortley Beach: late May to late August.
Ortley Beach resident Pat Klasto said that she was upset that Seaside Heights gets the best schedule, not Toms River. Everything seems to be geared toward getting tourists to Seaside, while neighboring towns have to deal with the associated traffic and inconveniences.
Councilwoman Maria Maruca acknowledged that it can be inconvenient for residents, but the positives of getting the work done outweigh the negatives.

“We knew there was going to be pain with that project,” Maruca said.
Councilman George Wittmann said that the township doesn’t control the Army Corps of Engineers. “No matter when you do it, somebody’s going to be unhappy.”
Anthony Colucci, president of the Ortley Beach Voters and Taxpayers Association, said the organization supports any time the dunes are being cared for. He was disappointed at the timeline, but noted that “last summer it didn’t really bother anybody.”
A link to the updates are on the town’s web site, tomsrivertownship.com. On the right side, there is a column labelled “Sandy Information.” Click on the link currently labelled “ACoE Construction Status.”