TOMS RIVER – Non-residents will now pay double what they previously paid in order to gain access to Toms River’s Snug Harbor public pool this summer in a hope to curb improper behavior there.
The Township Council passed an ordinance to increase the cost of daily fees for out-of-towners, since residents said they were the culprits.
“The Snug Harbor residents had expressed concerns regarding happenings at the pool,” Councilman Daniel Rodrick said. “Public urination, changing in public, needles, all sorts of terrible things.
“That being said, I don’t believe we’ve gone far enough,” Rodrick said. He went on to recommend the Township take further action to address local frustration. Among Rodrick’s recommendations were placing a Class 2 officer on the premises and rerouting “traffic through Cattus Island.”
Councilman Matthew Lotano also recommended additional plans for the pool, such as erecting “a possible dumpster enclosure or moving the dumpsters and possibly saw-cutting out some of the asphalt to be able to plant a couple of trees there.”
“We are going to work towards helping out the residents over there,” Lotano said.

According to Council Liaison Stacy Proebstle, the Council enacted the ordinance because of the recommendation of an efficiency study “which recommended such fee differentials.” The Council also sought to “correct an inconsistency in the current fee structure, which has a two-tiered fee schedule for seasonal badges, but not daily rates.” While non-residents pay more than residents for seasonal badges, they paid the same as residents for daily fees. The Council also sought “to cover increases” associated with the cost of seasonal employees.
The fees, which can’t take effect without mayoral approval and until 20 days after publication of the ordinance as required by law, will not increase for residents. On weekdays, non-resident adults will pay $14 and non-resident seniors and children will pay $10. On weekends and holidays, non-resident adults will pay $16 and non-resident seniors and children will pay $12.
The Township leased the pool with an option to purchase it in 1975. In 1977, the pool was purchased using funds from the state’s Green Acres program. Under the program, the Township must follow a state code regulating fee schedules.
“The proposed fee changes are consistent with those regulations,” Proebstle said.
The Township pool opened on June 19. The pool is open daily from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.