TOMS RVIER – Join Romel Syncear Cruz of Toms River as he earns the highest rank a Boy Scout can achieve on April 28 at the Toms River Elks Lodge, 1-3 p.m. Cruz will become an Eagle Scout at this Eagle Court of Honor, as he is honored for his accomplishments and service project that helped create an office for the treasurer of the Elks Lodge.
Cruz began his Scout career as a Cub Scout in second grade. He then moved forward to Arrow of Light, crossing over to Boy Scouts becoming a Super Webelos, receiving all belt loops and pins. In that time, Cruz has shown no shortage of achievements as he won all the Nova Awards including Science Everywhere, Tech Talk, Swing, and 1-2-3 Go, and was also the first of the Jersey Shore Boy Scout Council to earn the Dr. Charles H Townes Super Nova Award in 2015.
Cruz is currently a Troop Guide of Troop 29 and 44, and is working on his Duty to God Award. He has spent two years in the STEM Exploring Club 129 offering help to others any chance he can. Over the years, he has participated in various camps and summer camps, earned 100 merit badges, and accumulated hundreds of community service hours.
From Tenderfoot to Second Class he started off as the Patrol Leader, then later became the youngest Senior Patrol Leader at the Troop at 12 years old. He is also at the Brotherhood level in the Order of the Arrow, is a Den Chief for a Tiger den in Cub Scout Pack 29, is also a member of the STEM Exploring Club 129 of Toms River, is a leader in the Exploring Post
On top of all of this, Cruz is also an eighth grade student at Toms River Intermediate North School. An honor student, member of the orchestra, and volunteer, Cruz has achieved a great amount in his school career as well.
Cruz’s project helped turn some storage closets into a new office for the Elks treasurer. Thanking his parents, friends, all who made his Eagle project possible, and all the people and businesses who donated money and supplies, his project will prove beneficial to the community.
All are welcome to attend the special Court of Honor for Cruz and see him earn the title of Eagle Scout. For more information, please contact 732-644-4267.