SHIP BOTTOM – The big, empty CVS on the corner of Long Beach Boulevard and 8th Street in Ship Bottom might be getting a new lease on life. Beach Haven’s popular family vacation destination, Fantasy Island, has its eyes on the building for a new family entertainment location.
The Ship Bottom Land Use Board will hear an application for the project from Fantasy Island owner, Wainwright Amusement, LLC, on March 20.
According to the applicant, the 32,000 square foot property would be renovated and transformed into a family-fun attraction featuring a game zone, an escape room, café and XD theater.
Wainwright Amusement, LLC is applying for preliminary and final site plan approval, along with a special reasons variance necessary to construct a family entertainment center in one of the township’s commercial zones. The property is located at Lot 9 Block 107, 702-716 Long Beach Blvd.
According to a report by The Sandpaper, the project would require approval from the NJ Department of Transportation as there are various traffic changes in the works for the reconfiguration of the Causeway Circle in Ship Bottom, near the newly constructed Arlington Beach Club.
A public hearing for Wainwright Amusement’s application will be held on March 20, 7 p.m. at the Ship Bottom Municipal Building.