BARNEGAT – An investigation into an explosion in a garbage can revealed that there were no indications that it was caused by a bomb, officials said, leaving the only possible solution that it was organic matter composting that caused excess heat and led to the incident.
The explosion occurred in a residential area late at night on October 13. The exploded can was found between 81 Village Dr. and 82 Windward Dr. Initial investigations from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms found no detonator at the time. However, there was a concern that the incident could have been linked to terrorism given the garbage can bombs that were detonated a month earlier in Seaside Park during a Semper Five 5K race.
Walter Kudron, public information officer for the Bureau, said that there was an analysis completed which found no residue from an explosive device. After ruling out that possibility, the only cause would be decaying organic matter that combusted as it was decomposing, much like mulch.