BARNEGAT LIGHT – Two boats were overdue, and had not reported in, leading family of the crew members to fear the worst.
Fortunately, Coast Guard members were able to locate the two vessels and no one was reported injured.
The watchstanders at Coast Guard Sector Delaware Bay had been contacted on September 8 that people on two vessels had not reported in.
Coast Guard members went out in a 24-foot boat and the Long Beach Township Police Department launched drones to search for them. They were spotted near Loveladies Channel that evening.
When the Coast Guard approached the vessels, they learned that everyone aboard was safe, but they were unable to sail due to environmental conditions. The Guard towed the sail boats to the dock without incident.
“We are always grateful when we are able to locate missing mariners quickly and find them unharmed,” said David Umberger, Command Duty Officer at the Sector Delaware Bay command center. “Having the assistance of partner agencies such as the Long Beach Township Police Department is always an asset, and we are grateful for their contribution to the case.”