WARETOWN – The municipal offices in Ocean Township (Waretown) will be closed for the rest of the year “in abundance of caution due to COVID-19,” officials said.
The closure began November 30 and will last until after New Year’s Day.
“This is for the health and safety of the residents and staff,” officials said.
The Township Committee, boards and commissions will switch to Zoom meetings for now. Information about meetings will be on the town’s website at twpoceannj.gov.
Residents are being encouraged to contact town hall for anything they need by phone, email, regular mail, fax, the township website or the drop boxes in front of the Town Hall and Construction and Zoning.
If – and only if – an issue can not be handled over the phone, a resident can arrange an appointment to meet outside with a department head. The main number of the municipal offices is 609-693-3302. The receptionist or clerk can be reached at Ext. 238 or 221, or by email at clerk@twpoceannj.gov.
You will be asked the following questions before meeting with a township employee:
- Are you having flu-like symptoms, such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath?
- In the last 14 days have you traveled to a high-risk area for transmission of COVID-19?
- Have you been in close contact with someone confirmed or is being evaluated for COVID-19?
The police department’s vestibule will remain open. The police department’s main number is 609-693-4007.
The municipal court’s number is 609-693-3302 Ext. 501/500.
When it comes to inspections, they will be assessed on an as-needed basis. The members of the public – residents, developers, or builders – will be screened before interacting with township inspectors.
For construction paperwork, there is a drop box in front of the office at 200 Wells Mills Road. It is directly under the awning in front of the building on the ramp. The box is monitored by a security camera. This box will be checked at least twice a day except on weekends and holidays. Paperwork can also be mailed. The construction and zoning office’s number is 609-693-3302 Ext. 100 and 108.
Tax and utility payments can be done by visiting wipp.edmundsassoc.com/Wipp/?wippid=1521. If you prefer to pay by check, they can be dropped in envelope in the mailbox in front of Town Hall, 50 Railroad Avenue at any time. This payment box has a security camera. The tax and utility office can be reached at 609-693-3302 Ext. 232.
If you have a question about recycling, you can download the Recycling Coach app at twpoceannj.gov/DPW/recycling-coach.html.
Forms for township matters, including construction and zoning, can be found at twpoceannj.gov/forms/index.html.
The Township Committee and the Office of Emergency Management encouraged everyone to adhere to precautions related to hand-washing, hygiene and social distancing.
Any public official you don’t see in this article can be found through the website and its directory: twpoceannj.gov/phone-directory.html