LACEY – Police Chief Michel DiBella introduced three new officers to the public during a recent Township Committee meeting. The new hires were sworn in during the session.
The newly hired officers took their oath of office from Township Clerk Veronica Laureigh. They included Jason Nilon who was joined by his father Jeff Nilon, Tyler Walsh whose fiancé held the Bible for the oath and Daniel Biel whose father Daniel held the Bible for his oath of office.
Lacey’s police department has 42 sworn officers, one part-time class II officer and three class III officers.

Chief DiBella provided some background on each officer during the meeting and members of the governing body congratulated each of them noting that most had roots in Lacey Township.
Previously, the Committee approved an ordinance adding the position of police chaplain to the department. A resolution appointing two police chaplains was also approved.

The police department has never had a chaplain. That role will be filled by the pastors from Village Lutheran Church and the Lacey Christian Academy.