MANAHAWKIN – You may know him as Dustin, the loveable, curly-haired jokester from the Netflix series Stranger Things. Or maybe you know him as Gaten, student at Pinelands Regional.
Teen actor Gaten Matarazzo will be making his way to Manahawkin for a good cause on March 3, 2019. Gaten’s Angels for CCD Smiles 2019 will be held at The Holiday Inn in Manahawkin from 3-7 p.m. on March 3 to raise money for CCD, or cleidocranial dysplasia.
CCD is a birth defect that Gaten knows well, one that affects the growth of bones and teeth.
CCD Smiles is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that was founded in 2017. “We raise awareness, bring those with CCD together and help with costs of dental care,” according to the organization.
This fundraiser will donate all proceeds to CCD Smiles to help those like Gaten with CCD.
Tickets cost anywhere from $45-$70 and include a buffet with nonalcoholic beverages, cash bar, a gift auction, 50/50s and door prizes. Children under 5 are free.
If you are a Stranger Things fan or simply a supporter of CCD Smiles, come out and meet Gaten who will be signing autographs and taking photos at the event!
You can purchase tickets online at eventbrite.com/e/gatens-angels-for-ccd-smiles-2019-tickets-49575840674?aff=ebdssbdestsearch.