STAFFORD – Mayor Greg Myhre announced that Stafford Township has received the Sustainable Jersey’s Bronze Certification.
Myhre also congratulated the Township’s Green Team Advisory Committee for their hard work and achieving the certification.
“The Green Team just recently obtained the Sustainable Jersey logo for becoming certified in the Sustainable Jersey Program. They’ve been doing a really good job with that,” Councilman George Williams said at a recent council meeting.
Back in 2009, the Sustainable Jersey program was created to empower New Jersey municipalities to build a better world for future generations with the tools, training, and financial incentives necessary to pursue critical sustainability initiatives. Currently, there are over 455 communities in New Jersey registered under the program.
“Sustainable Jersey towns and cities implement practices that lead to cost savings in energy, water and garbage bills. The program helps communities improve efficiency, cut waste and stimulate their local economies. Registered towns get special priority access and notification of incentives and grants, and are eligible for the Sustainable Jersey Grants Program, which has provided over $5.6 million for community-based initiatives across New Jersey,” Sustainable Jersey states on their website. “Sustainable Jersey delivers the research, best practices and technical assistance you need to implement sustainable solutions for your community. Regular training workshops, webinars and regional hub meetings provide your town with connections to the leading experts in important municipal sustainability issues.”
Receiving the Bronze Certification means a municipality has made a commitment to sustainability and succeeded in implementing the first significant steps. According to the Sustainable Jersey website, the requirements to earn the Bronze Certification include: Establishment of mandatory green team; Implement 2 of 13 priority actions; Complete actions in 6 of 18 categories; and total of at least 150 points.
For Stafford Township, it is the first time the Township has become certified in the Sustainable Jersey program.
“This is a big accomplishment for the town,” Myhre said. “Sustainable Jersey started in 2009 and around that time the Green Team was formed in Stafford Township. There was very little activity up until last year, so great work by the green team and to the administrator Matthew von der Hayden who is the Green Team secretary. He worked very closely with the team and also brought on some interns who were very helpful. Great job to everyone involved.”