SHIP BOTTOM – Join the Southern Ocean County Chamber of Commerce for Spring After Hours on April 26 from 5-7 p.m. at Tucker’s Tavern, 101 S West Avenue in Beach Haven. Come celebrate the warm weather and network with business professionals at this event, hosted by Bartlett CPA and Tucker’s Tavern.
The cost is $5 per person with an RSVP b April 25 or $10 at the door. Make sure to bring your business cards for networking! Take part in featured appetizers and a cash bar as well.
Bartlett CPA is a local accounting firm in Ship Bottom. Alongside Tucker’s Tavern, they will be continuing the tradition of after-hours networking among local businesses at this event!
For more information, or to make reservations, call 609-494-7211, email info@sochamber.com, stop into the Chamber at 265 W Ninth Street Ship Bottom, or visit visitLBIregion.com.