MANAHAWKIN – Cub Scout Pack 61 along with Troop 61 Boy Scouts donated over three tons of food through their annual “Scouting for Food” Drive.
Patty Delikat, the Pack Committee Chair, explained how Cub Scouts are all about helping the community through their programs.
“Service projects are a big part of our Scouting program,” Delikat said.
One of the Pack’s major programs and services is their annual “Scouting for Food” drive. Every November, the Scouts go around their neighborhood and collect canned and non-perishable foods to donate to food banks. This year, the Scouts donated to the food pantry at the Ocean Community Church on Route 72 in Manahawkin. Delikate stated how the Pack has been donating to the Ocean Community Church for several years now.
With COVID-19 hurting places like food banks and shelters severely this holiday season, the Pack wanted to collect as much food as they possibly could.
“We knew with the pandemic that pantries were seeing increases in families utilizing their services,” Delikate said. “We just didn’t know how the collection was going to go this year. Not knowing what to expect, the Scouts did their best along with assistance from Troop 61 Boy Scouts and amazingly our community came through!”
This year, the Scouts collected 6,700 pounds, over three tons of food to donate to the pantry. The Scouts doubled their numbers from last year. In 2019 the Pack collected 3,100 pounds and in 2018 they collected 2,400 pounds.
The Scouts and their leaders were overwhelmed by the generosity of the Stafford Township community.
“We went from 3,100 pounds last year to 6,700 pounds this year. The numbers don’t lie! Our community has helped hundreds of local families in need and we love them for it,” Delikat said.
The Cub Scout Pack 61 is all about family scouting. They serve the Manahawkin/LBI area and are part of the Jersey Devil District of the Jersey Shore Council, BSA. Their program consists of both boys and girls with ages starting from kindergarten level and up to the 5th grade. Cub Scouts provide many opportunities for outdoor adventure including fall family camping, the Pop Rocket Derby, spring family camping, Cub Scout Day Camp, Webelos Adventure Camp, and their family picnic.