LITTLE EGG HARBOR – One of the buildings at the Royal Timbers’ apartment complex was engulfed in flames and dark smoke today leaving several families homeless.
Township firefighters, EMS and police arrived at the scene around 3 p.m. to the mutual aid call at building 11 on Wild Oaks Court for a structure fire. When police officers arrived on scene they encountered the fire and immediately began to evacuate residents and redirect traffic.

Fire departments from Ship Bottom, Harvey Cedars, and Beach Haven worked as a task force to extinguish the blaze. Township Fire engine 4901 was staged at the intersection of Mathistown Road and Center Street supplying water for the companies on scene.
The fire was reported as having been brought under control by 4 p.m. after causing extensive damage to the complex and displacing several families.
According to Township Police several roadways in the area remain closed. At the current time the cause of the fire is unknown and remains under investigation.

There were no reports of anyone sustaining injury although a police officer was reported as having a cut to his hand according to a report by The Asbury Park Press.
It is expected that a collection of clothes and other items will be created to assist the families who have lost everything in the blaze. Details concerning that will be posted when available.