BRIGANTINE – With the Jersey Shore being in the midst of seal season, marine officials are reminding beach-goers to stay a safe distance away from the animals.
The Marine Mammal Stranding Center (MMSC) stated that recently there have been several cases of people and their dogs getting far too close to seals, endangering the seals and themselves.
According to officials, seals are federally-protected animals under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. The law states it’s illegal to disturb a seal’s natural behaviors.
“Seals haul out on land to get much-needed rest after hunting and swimming long distances. The presence of people and dogs nearby causes stress and may force a seal back into the water before it is ready,” they said.
Officials have also found recently that many amateur and professional photographers have been posting photos and videos on social media groups. In these pictures you can see they were taken at a close distance which reveals the exact locations of resting animals on the beach. This resulted in attracting crowds around resting seals and causing further disturbance and harassment of the animals. There was even a video going around of someone touching a seal.
MMSC have had to relocate numerous healthy seals to remote beaches due to the fact that they are constantly being bothered by people and off-leash dogs.
At their Brigantine facility, MMSC are currently taking care of two seals. Founding Director Bob Schoelkopf states that although it’s not uncommon to have seals coming into their facility during this time, they are rehabilitating less seals than average for this time of year. But the facility has been receiving significantly more calls for sightings. The Center is anticipating calls to increase as the weather becomes warmer with more people visiting the beach.
The MMSC states it’s important to remember that seals are predators with sharp teeth and will not hesitate to bite. Seals carry communicable diseases that can be passed on to you or your dog.
If you spot a seal or other marine mammal on the beach, officials state you should:
- Contact the MMSC immediately by calling 609-266-0538
- Stay at least 150 feet away from the animal (the length of three school buses)
- Keep dogs away from the animal
- Never post locations of seals on social media
The Marine Mammal Stranding is dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and release of sick and injured marine mammals. The staff and volunteers from the MMSC have responded to more than 5,600 calls for seals, dolphins, whales and sea turtles that washed ashore along all of New Jersey’s beaches.
The non-profit is able to do this with the support of donations from the community. To learn more about the MMSC or to donate, visit mmsc.org.