BARNEGAT – Barnegat Township Police Department will be hosting the Barnegat Township Citizen’s Police Academy during September, where residents can get a taste of what it’s like to be a member of the force.
Classes will begin on September 6 and run through November 8. Sessions will be from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. each Thursday.
Adult residents must apply to the program and be accepted. If you wish to participate, sign up fast! The program will only take 25 participants, first come, first served.
Barnegat Police explained that the academy is not meant to certify or train residents as officers, but works to better educate the community about what the police department does. For example, attendees will work with Barnegat officers to learn about patrol, narcotics, fraud/ID theft, traffic stops, and use of force, among other topics.
If you wish to join, you can find an application at police headquarters or online.
Applications must be submitted by August 17, via email to purcell372@barnegat.net or turned in at police headquarters to Patrolman Jim Purcell.