LONG BEACH ISLAND – Get your running shoes on, because two community centers are teaming up for the 45th Annual Long Beach Island Commemorative 18-Mile Run, which will take place on October 8 at 10:30 a.m.
The 18-Mile Run is sponsored by the St. Francis Community Center and the LBI Jewish Community Center. The course will begin in Holgate, the southernmost point of LBI, and finish in Barnegat Light State Park.

The race began in 1973, when it was held in memory of 11 Israeli Olympic athletes who were slain at the Munich Olympics on September 5, 1972. “The killing of those innocent athletes was one of the most horrific acts of terrorism the world had ever seen,” said Race Director Mike Thompson. The race has continued on, and is now also dedicated to the men and women who lost their lives here in America on September 11, 2001. Mile markers bearing the names of victims lost to both tragedies will be posted along the running course in their memory.
Buses will transport registered runners to starting line at 8 a.m. and continue to run from the finish line back to the Community Center. The finish line will close at 2:15 p.m. All runners are invited to attend a recognition lunch at the Community Center immediately following the 18-Mile Run.
Applications can be picked up at St. Francis Community Center, 4700 Long Beach Blvd. or can be downloaded from stfrancislbi.org or on RaceForum.com/LBI. For more information about special events and activities planned for 18-Mile Run weekend, call 609-494-8861.