LACEY TOWNSHIP – Lacey residents can now set aside additional items to the curb for single stream recycling.
Lacey Township has alerted residents that more items have been added to their list of acceptable recyclable materials due to upgrades in the township’s material processing facility. Residents may now recycle a host of items, such as the material inside hardcover books and textbooks, so long as they remove and dispose of hardcovers before putting the contents into a recycling bin.
Recyclable materials include all paper, such as newspaper, mixed paper, office paper, junk mail, soft cover or paperback books, magazines, and empty brown paper bags. Paper may not be tied or in a bag, it must be loose. They also include metal cans, aluminum and tin, steel food containers and clean pie plates and trays (such as clean catering trays). As well as clean and dry plastics labeled 1, 2 or 5, which may now include bottle caps. Empty, clean and dry glass bottles or jars of any color, flattened and loose corrugated cardboard without strings, and chipboards like food and beverage sleeves are also acceptable.
Residents should not attempt to recycle any materials not permitted by the township. Residents should not bag recyclable materials. They should recycle clean and dry materials only, and continue to recycle batteries via drop-off only as they are a fire hazard.