LACEY – A Thursday night parade is not the norm. Nor is a parade route along an access road in a park. Having an announcer from a wrestling organization is rare as well but perhaps that is what made this 150th Lacey Anniversary event so unique.
That evening, antique cars, public officials, a myriad of township organization representatives, headed down a stretch of road within Gille Park. Each time they got to a certain point, they were introduced by the parade’s emcee who later hosted the free wrestling competition after the parade.
Organizations like the Lacey Elks, local Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts, sports groups, the Lacey Historical Society, the governing body and former public officials were introduced. It was warm that evening but the community spirit present that night just may have made it feel warmer as numerous families came out, some with their pets, to cheer on those who help make Lacey what it is today.
The members of the Lacey United Methodist Church took the opportunity to promote their free barbecue scheduled for next month while the Lacey Historical Society donned their period attire to add to the fun of the event.

Lacey Girls Softball were waving to parade watchers draped in red, while blue was the color of the Lacey Antler Lodge #1 of Forked River. The Lacey Rotary Club were present as well with their banner.
Sen. Christopher Connors who also serves as Lacey’s Township Attorney, waved to parade watchers from a crimson vintage sports car.
Former Mayor Ed Scanlon, a current member of the Lacey Board of Education and former Committeewoman Helen Dela Cruz were also riding in vintage vehicles as part of the parade.
Mayor Peter Curatolo and Committeeman Steve Kennis enjoyed a ride in a convertible while Committeeman Mark Dykoff and Timothy McDonald walked the route carrying the official Lacey 150th anniversary banner.

This summer has proven a popular time for Lacey’s Sesquicentennial (that’s a fancy way of saying 150th anniversary). A few days after the parade, the event committee joined forces with Argos Farm to host a Birthday Butterfly Bash.
That event included Unlimited Cow Train Ride, Unlimited Jumbo Jumper Pillow, entry into the Sunflower Field, and of course visiting the Farm Animals. The first 100 families who purchased tickets received a butterfly to release at the farm.
The year isn’t over yet and there are many more Lacey 150 events scheduled. Activities include a photo contest, a geocaching scavenger hunt, beach blanket bingo and the screening of “The Lacey Life” a film produced Girl Scout Troop 50249.

As things wrap up, a town-wide Thanksgiving celebration will be held. For the latest updates regarding Lacey 150 events, follow Lacey Township’s 150th Anniversary page on Facebook at @lacey150.
For those interested in helping out the Lacey 150 Committee or who want any more information about the events planned, e-mail lacey150@laceytownship.org or contact the Lacey Township Recreation office at 609-693-1100 ext. 2203.