LACEY – DUI enforcement and prevention remains a top priority for the Lacey Township Police Department. The danger presented to the public by motorists who choose to get behind the wheel of a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs is too often realized through a tragic motor vehicle collision.
This coming weekend, February 3 through 5, the Lacey Township Police Department will be conducting additional DUI patrols. Specifically dedicated Drunk Driving Enforcement Funds (DDEF Grant) allows for these additional DUI enforcement patrols. The intent of these extra DUI patrols is to make the roadways in Lacey Township as safe as possible for the motoring public. There is zero-tolerance in Lacey Township for operating a motor vehicle while DUI. If drivers are caught operating their vehicle while impaired by drugs and/or alcohol they will be arrested. A first-offense DUI conviction will result in severe penalties, including but not limited to: a driver’s license suspension and fines, along with potential towing and impound fees as a result of John’s Law.
To avoid the consequences of being arrested for driving under the influence, the Lacey Township Police Department recommends that those planning on going out drinking alcohol to designate a driver who will not be drinking, or utilize public transportation.
Several DUI arrests in Lacey Township have come as a direct result of a motor vehicle crash investigation, some crashes being fatal. In 2014, alcohol-involved crashes killed 9,967 people in the U.S., accounting for 31 percent of all motor vehicle traffic fatalities. An average of one alcohol-impaired driving fatality occurred every 53 minutes.
Throughout 2017, the officers of the Lacey Township Police Department will continue to detect and deter DUI offenders through both DUI Patrols and approved DUI checkpoints.
And as always, buckle up for every ride regardless of where you are sitting. It is the best defense against impaired drivers.