LACEY – There will be a public hearing on the town’s energy aggregation move that is estimated to save residents 13 percent off a portion of their electrical bill. The meeting will take place on February 16 at 7 p.m. at the town hall, located at 818 Lacey Road.
The energy contract would be a 20-month contract with the firm South Jersey Energy.
The electrical bill actually covers two separate things: the cost for electricity and the cost for delivering that electricity through the wires. The delivery cost would still go through JCP&L. However, the electricity will be coming from South Jersey Energy.
The township entered into a contract with South Jersey Energy that would run from April 1 to December 31, 2018. It would reduce the price per kilowatt hour to $0.08655 for residents, but not commercial properties.
“If you don’t opt out, you will be automatically opted in” to the contract, Township Administrator Veronica Laureigh said.
When reached for comment, Scott Surgeoner, spokesman for First Energy, said that JCP&L has no opinion regarding municipalities making their own decisions about aggregation. “JCP&L’s commitment is safely, efficiently, and cost effectively delivering the electricity our customers use.”
In other news, the police department is looking for full time dispatchers and applicants for the Police Explorers. For both situations, applicants must be Lacey residents and can pick up applications in the police department. Explorer applications can also be picked up at the Lacey Township High School guidance office.
The current Explorers, by way of example, have recently conducted mock search warrants for illegal drugs and firearms at a building located at the Robert J. Miller Air Park in Berkeley, Chief Michael DiBella said.
The program is run through the Boy Scouts of America Learning for Life program and is designed to provide “on-the-job” training for youth interested in law enforcement. Although there are mock drills and other aspects of police work, the Explorers are not placed in dangerous situations, according to a release by the police department.
The requirements to be an Explorer are as follows:
14-20 years old
Lacey resident
Maintain at least a C average in all school work through 12th grade
Pass a background check of criminal and motor vehicle records
Complete an oral interview
Maintain outstanding moral and ethical character at all times
Demonstrate a willingness to serve and participate in activities and community events
Attend three trainings a month
No fees are involved.
For additional information, contact Lt. Paul Sullivan Jr. at 609-693-6636 ext. 2577 or Ocean County Sheriff’s Officer Christine Farrell at 732-288-7843.