LACEY – An individual tested positive for the coronavirus, according to a letter sent to parents of Lacey High School students.
The township school district is working under guidelines from the Center for Disease Control, and state and local health departments. It has reached out to those with close contact with the individual.
The letter states that “cleaning and disinfecting of all exposed areas has been completed. The school is also taking precautions to prevent the introduction and spread of viruses and other germs and is cleaning frequently touched surfaces daily. The status of this situation is fluid, and we are monitoring it closely.”
It adds a warning for parents and students to follow the CDC guidelines and stay home when sick, wash hands often with soap for at least 20 seconds; cover coughs and sneezes and properly dispose of tissues; limit close contact with people who are sick and not sharing food, drinks and utensils.
Also advised was practicing social distancing and staying at least six feet apart, wearing a face covering while in school and continuing to monitor your health for symptoms.
“We appreciate our community’s support and cooperation. You can assist us by remaining vigilant but sensible in your approach to dealing with this health concern,” the letter stated. Parents were asked to contact William Zylinski, Lacey School District Supervisor at 609-971-2000 Ext 1019. The district’s website is laceyschools.org.