LACEY – There will be a public hearing on the town’s energy aggregation move that is estimated to save residents 13 percent off a portion of their electrical bill. The meeting will take place on February 16 at 7 p.m. at the town hall, located at 818 Lacey Road.
The energy contract would be a 20-month contract with the firm South Jersey Energy.
The electrical bill actually covers two separate things: the cost for electricity and the cost for delivering that electricity through the wires. The delivery cost would still go through JCP&L. However, the electricity will be coming from South Jersey Energy.
The township struck a contract with South Jersey Energy that would run from April 1 to Dec. 31, 2018. It would reduce the price per kilowatt hour to $0.08655 for residents, but not commercial properties.
“If you don’t opt out, you will be automatically opted in” to the contract, Township Administrator Veronica Laureigh said.
When reached for comment, Scott Surgeoner, spokesman for First Energy, said that JCP&L has no opinion regarding municipalities making their own decisions about aggregation. “JCP&L’s commitment is safely, efficiently, and cost effectively delivering the electricity our customers use.”