BARNEGAT – During the last few days, there have been Snooki and Pauly-D sightings all around the Jersey Shore. Multiple news outlets have been reporting that the cast of eight are in our area working on either a reunion show or perhaps even a new series. Details are murky as MTV won’t return calls for comment.
In the Barnegat Pride Facebook Group, a photograph was posted showing what looks like cast members outside the Burger King on West Bay Avenue in Barnegat earlier today. The chatter was informed that the cast were there filming a commercial for a new chicken sandwich and that members of the crew were seen going in and out of the liquor store inside the shopping center.

A phone call to that particular Burger King came back with “no, no one was here today and we’ve been opened all day.” They were quick to get off the phone so it’s possible that the production company, apparently using the name Bright Road Productions, told them to deny any press inquires.
What do you think about the Jersey Shore cast coming back to our area? Did they help or harm tourism at the shore?
Let us know on our Facebook page!