LACEY – The township’s Schoolhouse Museum reopened recently, showcasing historic items in tribute to the community’s 150th anniversary.
“We’ve been very busy working on the displays, cleaning up and reorganizing the Schoolhouse Museum,” said Donna Veltri Moller, president of the Lacey Historical Society. She noted that under the direction of the group’s vice president, Connie Lane, “the museum recently freshened up their displays with new features including a section on the Knights of the Golden Eagle, maritime of the past and long-gone hotels of Lacey.”
The reopening included guided tours, trivia games and refreshments, as well as some dulcimer music playing and songs. In honor of the 150th birthday of Lacey, the museum will be open every Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon and special tours can be arranged by contacting the LHS.
“We are always looking for new members to come and join us. You don’t have to know everything about Lacey Township,” said Laura McDonald, who is a member of the Historical Society and the Lacey 150th Anniversary Committee. She also thanked the Township Department of Public Works for their work on the historic building.
Moller and McDonald came out to a recent Township Committee meeting wearing period attire to report on the exciting projects of both the LHS and the township anniversary celebration.

Fire pit chats will be held every Friday evening at the museum from July 9 through August 13. They start at 7 p.m. They will be held inside in the event of inclement weather and are subject to COVID-19 restrictions. The first chat concerns the origin of Lacey.
On July 16, the chat will focus on hotels of Lacey and its maritime industry. On July 23, the subject will focus on the history of the fire department.
The July 30 program is called “Memories of Lacey with John Parker,” the former mayor.
August 6 will focus on the history of the police department while August 13 will be “Tales of Lacey Kid’s Night.” This is a “special children’s night that will include a storyteller,” McDonald said.
An Appraisal Faire will be held at the museum from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on July 10 where residents can bring their historical items in for an appraisal.

On September 18, a flea market will be held on the grounds of the museum while plans for the Lacey Apple Festival will be announced. A ghost walk at the museum is planned for October 8 and October 9 with a medium.
Schoolhouse Museum hours are Saturdays and Wednesdays, 10 a.m. to noon. The museum, is located at 126 South Main Street, Route 9, and special appointments can be made by calling 609-971-0467 or by visiting LaceyHistorical.org. Current and upcoming events will be posted on the sign outside the Museum Schoolhouse.
The LHS is a non-profit organization with a mission to preserve the history and artifacts of Lacey Township. New members are welcome and membership is $10 annually.