LACEY – A GoFundMe page set up for the family that met a tragic end has surpassed its goal in raising money for funeral costs.
The page raised more than $25,000. The goal of $20,000 was met within three days by donations from 581 people.
The money was to be used for funeral services for Kimberly Dunphey, 48, and Owen Scott, 7.
They had been the victims of a domestic dispute. According to the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office, Dunphey’s husband and Owen’s father, Gregg Scott, killed the two of them and the family dog before taking his own life.
The tragedy took place at 212 Nautilus Blvd. at about 4 p.m. Aug. 16, police said. Neighbors there were shocked at the turn of events.
“It was so unexpected,” said next door neighbor Claudio Coppola. He had moved into his house in 1991, and estimated that the family had moved in around eight or nine years ago.
He said that the perpetrator had always been nice to him, although he didn’t really know him well. They just shared a few words in passing, like a lot of neighbors. He knew that the child liked to play his drums, but he didn’t really interact with the family that much.
There were definitely no hints that something like this could have happened, he said.
“There were no red flags at all,” he said.
Jack Hayes lives across the street. He said he didn’t know the family, and didn’t think that anyone nearby did. They mostly kept to themselves.
“It is pretty quiet here, other than the traffic,” he said. Nautilus meets Route 9 at an intersection with no traffic light. Nautilus and Sunrise Boulevard handle much of the traffic of people coming to and from lagoon properties there.