SHIP BOTTOM – Join the Southern Ocean County Chamber of Commerce for a Family Communication workshop on March 29 at 2 p.m. on the second floor of the SOCC Visitor Building, 265 W. 9th St.
As part of the Chamber’s Founded in Family program, the SOCC is partnering with Stockton University to bring focus to family businesses and legacies that have been cultivated in the LBI region.
The workshop intends to facilitate communication and understanding of family workplace dynamics. Professor John Boyle, MBA, Certified Public Accountant and teacher of Managerial and Financial Accounting, will be speaking at the program. Boyle also has much experience dealing with family businesses in the private sector.
This program is free, and SOCC members will get preference. To RSVP, contact info@sochamber.com, call 609-494-7211 or stop into the visitor center. For more on the 104 year business organization, go to visitLBIregion.com and follow on social media.