MANAHAWKIN – Students at the George J. Mitchell Elementary School in Little Egg Harbor decided to dedicate their yearly community service project to making a donation of children’s books to the Martin Truex Jr. Pediatric Care Center, located in the Emergency Department at Southern Ocean Medical Center.
Every year, 4th, 5th and 6th grade Student Government members are faced with the difficult decision of choosing a project that benefits their community. After much brainstorming, and one student’s own personal experience in the Emergency Department at Southern Medical Center, they decided that giving away their own story books and games might bring comfort and joy to children in need of care and their families.
A book drive, which was appropriately named “A Book Opens Happiness,” was held at the school from April 17 to 28 and 14 boxes of all types of books were collected from students and staff and then donated to the hospital.
The Martin Truex Jr. Pediatric Care Center at Southern Ocean Medical Center offers children a special, family-friendly area with six private rooms for families to comfort and console their children, as well as an overnight observation room for children needing overnight care.