STAFFORD – The Stafford Township Council approved a resolution at a recent meeting that will allow for construction to begin on East Road in September.
East Road, although not widely known, lies off Route 72 in the area near the Exxon gas station, between the Walmart plaza and the Stafford shopping center.
According to Dan Triana of the NJ Department of Transportation (NJDOT), construction will commence mid-September, but a majority of the work will begin later in the fall.
“The project goal is to provide highway and signal intersection improvements to address congestion and safety concerns in the area,” stated Triana.

The Route 72/East Road Intersection Improvements include:
- 10-foot shoulder in each direction on Route 72 between the Garden State Parkway and the Stafford Square Shopping Center
- Median widening
- New barrier curbs
- New traffic signals and improvements at the intersections at Roosevelt Boulevard and Doc Cramer Boulevard.
- A revised jug handle
- Two new storm water basins on Route 72 west
Some of the improvements are necessary due to the movement of East Road. East Road will be moved approximately 200 feet east from its current location. West Road, located in between the McDonalds and the Mr. Tire, will also be moved to the area between Element Restaurant and Starboard Plaza.
This project is federally-funded, costing $8.6 million, stated Triana.