SURF CITY – The history of Barnegat Light will come to life on Monday, August 14 in the meeting room of the LBI Branch of the Ocean County Library, 217 South Central Avenue.
Starting at 7 p.m., Karen Larson from the Barnegat Light Historical Society and Museum will discuss the old hotels, lighthouse and Fresnel lens using historic photos of landmarks as guides. Former students of the Barnegat Light School, who are now in their 80s, will reflect back on their life and time attending the school, which is now the Barnegat Museum. Larson will also discuss her brother Karter and his adventure going out to sea when he was only eight years old.
The program is free and appropriate for all ages. Register online at theoceancountylibrary.org, by calling the LBI Branch at 609-494-2480 or in person during regular library hours. Karen Larson can be reached at klarson767@aol.com.