From getting healthier, saving money, and living life to the fullest to embracing technology, exploring new places, and letting loved ones pitch in, we’re taking New Year’s resolutions to the next level with eight ideas to support your hearing health and quality of life.
Here’s to making 2018 the best year yet!
Getting Fit
It’s no secret that obesity can raise the risk for stroke, heart disease, diabetes, and other serious health problems, but did you know it’s linked to hearing impairment, healthyhearing.com/report/50949-Obesity-and-hearing-loss too? Resolving to get even healthier and more fit in 2018 helps reduce the risk of excess weight, a problem that can tax your hearing and impact overall wellness.
Ditching Tobacco
Smoking, the No. 1 preventable cause of death in the U.S. and the culprit behind most lung cancer cases, can also increase the chances of developing a hearing impairment sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0091743504002816?via%3Dihub. Resolving to quit smoking and live tobacco-free puts you ahead of the pack for your hearing, your lungs, your heart, and your general good health.
Embracing Technology
Today’s tech can turn any alerting sound into a visual or vibratory cue, allowing doorbells, smoke alarms, and more to alert using flashing lights or vibrations. Smartphones can stream audio directly to hearing aids and may also caption videos or flash visual alerts for incoming calls. Another innovation: We even have hearing technology compatible with telehealth care.
Trying Something New
Trouble hearing telephone conversations? You may qualify for a captioning telephone, a landline phone that shows the spoken words of the person you’re talking to. It’s free if a qualified hearing care professional certifies your hearing loss and need for the phone, and it works with hearing aids. All you need is a standard phone line and an Internet connection.
Exploring Fresh Destinations
Make this your year to discover a new favorite place! If you’re traveling well beyond your local area, check with us to find an AGX practice near your destination. If a practice is part of the program, you can see them while traveling at no extra cost. Now, that’s peace of mind.
Letting Friends Pitch In
When it comes to getting by with a little help from friends, the Beatles had it right. Bringing your best friend or another companion to your hearing care appointments means an extra set of ears and eyes, as well as an additional perspective that can make a difference in understanding how listening difficulties affect you and your loved ones and matching the right solutions to your needs.
Maximizing Your Income
Don’t let hearing difficulties come between you and your money. Untreated hearing impairment can reduce annual household earnings by as much as $30,000, according to one study, nvrc.org/2011/03/bhi-people-with-untreated-hearing-loss-lose-income-annually/ but using hearing aids can curb the chance of income loss by up to 100 percent — depending on the degree of impairment.
Living Life to the Fullest
Hearing technology changes lives. A majority of hearing aid users in one study by the National Council on Aging ncoa.org/wp-content/uploads/NCOA-Study-1999.pdf credited treatment for better relationships at home, and half or nearly half reported improvement in feelings about themselves and improvement in life overall. Just another reminder of how keeping you’re hearing at its best can help you live your best.
Dr. Izzy and his staff are here to help you and your loved ones achieve your hearing-health resolutions. Call us today for more tips on hearing better in the New Year! Call us at 732-818-3610.