PLUMSTED – An old tradition became new again with the return of the annual township Christmas Tree Lighting being held at Oakford Lake off Main Street.
State and local officials joined residents – including a fair number of children – at that location for some holiday fun.
Twelfth District Assemblymen Alex Sauickie and Robert Clifton and members of their family who had just attended Jackson Township’s Christmas Tree Lighting earlier in the day joined Plumsted Mayor Dominick Cuozzo and Committeemen Robert Bowen, Michael Hammerstone, and Leonard Grilletto for the festivities.
The public officials even had the chance to chat with Santa Claus in the Oakford Lake gazebo and have their photo taken.
Plumsted Municipal Drug & Alcohol Alliance Chairwoman Linda Leutwyler and her husband Dave, a former mayor of the township served up some hot chocolate in the heated tent.
Big Woods Nursey based in the township donated the tree for this year’s Christmas Tree Lighting.
“We’re going to sing a few Christmas Carols and then we have the Christmas Tree to light. This has been a wonderful tradition for us in town for many years and I am very thankful to be bringing it back downtown, so for those who are gathered here tonight thank you so much,” Mayor Cuozzo said.

The Christmas Tree Lighting was previously held in the downtown center of Plumsted which some refer to as New Egypt. Town Hall was at 37 Main Street at that time prior to the building of the new Town Hall building some 20 years ago on Evergreen Road.
Cuozzo noted, “for the young ones, I hear that the fire truck (from the New Egypt Fire Company) has Santa and he will be on his way, very, very soon and there will be an opportunity to take some pictures with Santa in the gazebo a little bit later.”
“If you are too cold later you can warm up in the warming tent. We are very thankful for the Drug and Alcohol Alliance that has hot cocoa in there that will also warm you up. We are thankful for all these things here tonight,” the mayor said before leading the crowd in a few Christmas songs.
“There is nothing to get you in the Christmas spirit a little better than singing. Why don’t we sing ‘Deck the Halls?’ Sing it together with me,” the mayor added.
Mayor Cuozzo thanked the Building and Grounds crew who made the area look beautiful. Among those present from the department was recently promoted Anthony Creen.
“We’re going to say a prayer and then countdown to the Christmas tree lighting and – breaking news – we found out who won the gingerbread contest (which is always a part of the Christmas Tree Lighting event) for the Plumsted Arts Council,” the mayor said. The winners were Lauren and Shawn Carson. “The winner of the contest gets a $30 gift certificate for ice cream at One Main Street who donated the prize. Good job,” the mayor remarked.

The mayor asked brother and sister team, “what was your inspiration for your Gingerbread House?” They weren’t sure but it was a log cabin gingerbread house. Their creation was on display at the Plumsted Library during the month.
After the lighting Santa arrived and met with babies, adults and all those public officials that were present that made for a very Merry Christmas kickoff in New Egypt.