OCEAN COUNTY – The Ocean County Advisory Commission on the Status of Women is encouraging elementary and middle school age children to participate in the 2017 Women’s History Month Poster Contest.
Women’s History Month is celebrated in Ocean County during the month of March.
“This contest aims to recognize the National Women’s History Month theme, ‘Honoring Trailblazing Women in Labor and Business,’” said Ocean County Freeholder Virginia E. Haines, who serves as liaison to the Advisory Commission on the Status of Women. “This theme honors a woman who has made a difference as an entrepreneur in the business world.”
Contestants must create a poster that features a woman they admire, shows the job or business where she works, and reflects her contributions to the world around them.
“We appreciate everything that the Advisory Commission on the Status of Women does for women in the business world and the community,” said Ocean County Freeholder Director Joseph H. Vicari.
Entry is open to all public, private and parochial school students, grades one through eight in Ocean County.
Participants must submit one poster on standard size paper which will be judged based on impact, appropriateness, and overall creativity. First place winners of each category will receive a $50 gift card; second and third place will each receive a $25 gift card.
All participants will have their entries displayed at Commission sponsored events throughout 2017. An award ceremony will take place to honor all participants during a Women’s History Month Celebration scheduled for 6 p.m., March 29 at the main branch of the Ocean County Library, Washington Street, here.
All entries (original poster and completed entry form) must be submitted by March 3 to the Ocean County Advisory Commission on the Status of Women, 1027 Hooper Ave., Building 2 Third Floor, PO Box 2191, Toms River, NJ 08754.
For any questions or further information, contact the Department of Human Services Coordinator Marie-Elena Sodeikes at 732-506-5374 or email at msodeikes@co.ocean.nj.us.