LAKEWOOD – Enter a magical world where knights, dragons, pirates and fairies live and play on September 16 and 17 when the Lakewood Lions Medieval Renaissance Faire comes to Pine Park on Route 526, celebrating its 37th year.
There will be a bustling marketplace, storytellers, costumed characters, music, dances, games, crafts, and of course, knights in shining armor charging on war horses. The Renaissance Faire is well known for its live armored jousting tournaments, and this year fairgoers will get a chance to see World Champion Jouster Shane Adams, who hosts the History channel show Full Metal Jousting, with his troupe The Knights of Valour.
Fairgoers can also try their hands at archery and witness the crowning of the Faire’s King and Queen, chosen from children ages 10 and under dressed as princesses and knights.
Entertainment on two stages and throughout the village will feature belly dancers, tribal dancers and gypsy dancers, sword swallowers, comedians, magicians, sword fighters, wizards, jugglers, stilt walkers and poets. Performances will be held nearly every half-hour.
The air will be filled with the scent of foods from the Renaissance period, such as juicy roasted turkey legs, fish ‘n chips, steak on a stick, dragon dogs, cheese steaks and funnel cakes.
Cost is $12 per person for adults, $8 for seniors and $2 for children ages 6 to 12. Children under 6 years old are free. Visit lakewoodrenfair.com to purchase tickets. All proceeds benefit Lakewood Lions charities.
For more information, contact the Lakewood Lions at P.O. Box 1446, Lakewood, NJ 08701 or call 732-414-9639.