NEW JERSEY – Two political rallies supporting President Donald Trump will be held on Flag Day, June 14 in Ocean and Monmouth counties.
The first will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the beach of Point Pleasant Beach while the second will run from 3 to 6 p.m. in the Middletown Shopping Center at Kings Highway/Harmon Road in Middletown.
A release from the organizers of the two rallies state the rally will run from noon to 2 p.m. and will include supporters and speakers Frank Cott who is one of the organizers of the event and another speaker to be announced.
The release states that supporters for the president will be on hand to “expose fake news stories and stop them from undermining our Constitutional processes and propagandizing the public.”
“Organizers see the constant barrage of fake news, anti-American, and anti-Trump propaganda as a media dog whistle to insurrection, hate, and violence and must be addressed in Court. Using social media, Democrats falsely claim Russia interference with the 2016 elections while the massive spread of fake news via social media attacks against President Trump and America get a pass,” the release added.
The release also states that a “petition to assert that fake news is not freedom of the press. Now social networks like Facebook routinely shut down people for sharing news they deem fake simply because they disagree with it. This is censorship of public discourse. Diverse intellectual discussion and debate is being replaced by the imposition of beliefs acceptable to authorities.”
The purpose of the two rallies is to “support President Trump and expose progressive tactics that create violence across America. The progressive strategy is to win elections regardless the harm and divisions to our nation.”
The organizers are listed as Monmouth County True Patriots Americans and Americans Push Back.
June 14 is also President Trump’s birthday.