JACKSON – Have you thought about what you want for your future medical care? Avoid confusion, and prepare to let your loved ones know your wishes. Come and learn about your options, and start planning your own advance directive at an educational Seminar at Bartley Healthcare on December 14.
Bartley Healthcare is partnering with CentraState Medical Center to host an educational seminar on the Advance Directive: Taking Control of Your Medical Future, on December 14 at 5 p.m., at 175 Bartley Road in Jackson. Come join them for a light dinner before the seminar. The presenter will be Alisa Reznikov, MD, from Rutgers-RWJMS, Family Medicine Center at CentraState Medical Center.
What kind of medical care would you want if you were too ill or hurt to express your wishes? Advance directives are legal documents that allow you to spell out your decisions about end-of-life care ahead of time. They give you a way to tell your wishes to your family, friends, and health care professionals and to avoid confusion later on.
Seating is limited, so anyone interested in attending the “Take Control Of Your Medical Future” educational seminar, call CentraState Medical Center at 732-308-0570, or visit centrastate.com, and click on Classes and Events.